We have never been lawyers sitting behind oaken desks with green bankers lamps. We met in a glass building, where drones flew in the corridors and start-ups planned to conquer the world. For years, we had been advising and providing services to them until the creative environment inspired us to take our own initiative. Thus, we have set up our own law office Šetina, Komendová & Partners.

JUDr. Tomáš Šetina
Attorney and Partner
The law office bears his name and Tomáš bears the responsibility for ensuring that the law firm does useful and meaningful work. He specialises mainly in business law, intellectual property law and public budgets.
His interest in history helps him take a broader perspective when approaching various problems. Truly creative, he likes to come up with new strategies and out-of-the-box solutions for commercial cases or complicated disputes.
e-mail: tomas.setina@akskp.cz
tel: +420 777 027 004

JUDr. Pavla Komendová
Attorney and Partner
Her last name can be found in the name of the office and Pavla herself most often in negotiations concerning IT law or business corporations. She helps her clients protect their copyrights, negotiate conditions for the entry of investors, divide or merge their companies, and set rules for an agile software development.
Pavla makes sure that she knows her clients and their goals perfectly. She does her best to ensure that their business runs smoothly, thus contributing to their success. Pavla concentrates on details and takes all cases with positive approch and natural confidence.
e-mail: pavla.komendova@akskp.cz
tel: +420 725 036 259

JUDr. Michal Faltus
You can meet Michal in court and you will be glad that he is on your side. He fights hard for his clients but always with enthusiasm. Most often in the field of civil, criminal and labor law. He knows how to support his clients in difficult times and guide them safely through all dangers of insolvency proceedings. Michal also deals with subsidy issues and public procurement where he actively helps both the contracting authorities and the participants.
When Michal starts talking, everybody listens - thanks to his rhetorical skills and the ability to speak to
the point, he knows how to win respect, quickly and naturally.
e-mail: michal.faltus@akskp.cz
tel: +420 724 573 408

Mgr. Ing. Petra Lupieńská
Petra takes care of entrepreneurs who do their business online. She is an expert in personal data protection, intellectual property law and trademarks. Thanks to her master's degree in economics, she is oriented in this area as well so she is able to provide her clients with complex advise.
Full of initiative and paying attention to detail, Petra is always perfectly prepared and ready to
help her clients find the most suitable solution for their business.
e-mail: petra.lupienska@akskp.cz
tel: +420 724 380 478

Mgr. Michal Antoš
Most often, you will meet Michal when dealing with commercial law issues. He also specializes in corporate law, law of securities and international commercial law.
Hard-working and focused on detail, he knows how to find loopholes and weak areas of a case and is ready to use this knowledge effectively for the benefit of his clients. You can also reach Michal at university - he was a doctoral student at the Department of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University for two years.
e-mail: michal.antos@akskp.cz
tel: +420 774 835 143

Mgr. Vítek Švejda
Trainee Lawyer
After graduating from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, Vítek followed his previous practice at AKSKP and continues with us as a trainee lawyer. He focuses primarily on intellectual property law (IT and copyrights, industrial rights) and he can equally benefit from his experience in land or construction proceedings and related areas (waste management, energy law).
Vítek get the work of a lawyer in a perspective, treats cases humanely and tries to break down prejudices against the legal profession. You can meet Vítek in a more relaxed environment of the Brno or Prague Impact Hub or at events organised by the LawTribe group, where Vítek cooperates and shares experience with experts both from inside and outside the law.
e-mail: vitek.svejda@akskp.cz
tel: +420 775 413 678

Jana Hudcová, DiS.
Head of Administration
Thanks to her long-standing work experience in law firms, Jana possesses comprehensive knowledge not only of the activities of the office, but also of law regulations and the application thereof. Her experience and high degree of personal responsibility allow her to organise skilfully the administrative activities so that all operations are completed properly, in time and effectively.
In our office, Jana ensures its smooth running and meeting all deadlines.
e-mail: jana.hudcova@akskp.cz